But bringing it up at the end of this video literally bookending it by hating on a video he's never seen entirely AGAIN just left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought Jay bringing up the video in part 1 was stupid, but fine whatever it's his opinion. Four hours is a big commitment too for a YT video. Personally I really enjoyed the content, but it really could have been presented better. This just don't like his method, and his personality. Most people don't even try to counter points he makes. And a lot of people, for whatever reason, just assume you can't add or build on to his theory.

His David Lynch impersonation makes my ears bleed. He's cocksure and it just comes off really bad for some people. I think the biggest problems people have with twinperfects video is how it's presented. Sort of like if you've ever heard a guitarist say they don't want to learn music theory because they would be less creative. But how do people not ask themselves questions like this on /r/twinpeaks when most of us have probably rewatched the show multiple times? What can't you ask that question when find a piece of art you find interesting? And for some people I think that comes down to losing the "magic" of something when you start to understand it or analyze it closely. People will call you cold, anti-art, and mathematical on this sub for asking questions like what was DL and MF thinking about when they created this show? As if it's some forbidden knowledge. There's not a lot of substance to a conversation like that and frankly I don't think it give the writers or creators a whole lot of credit.

However I think that sort of conversation gets real old, real quick as they tend to be very similar. So that initial, almost primal reaction you get from watching it, almost seems to matter more. And you know what? Most people will only watch TP once in a life time. You can't replicate that feeling when you watch something by DL for the first time, it's very visceral. Like everyone's theory or ideas has to be given merit, no matter how much thought they put into it. The thing with this fanbase is that there seems to be a golden rule. This has been a problem with the channel dating back to the Silent Hill videos they made 10 years ago, & I don't see why people's dislike of a fan-theory from a notably controversial Youtube channel should be in any way surprising. I'm sure they bring up some valid points, but I don't care to be lectured by a condescending channel that has no respect for my time or any opinions other than the ones that they hold. I skimmed through the 4h 35m original video by Twin Perfect, & completely sat out for their 1h 18m & 28m followups. Why does it need larger context to matter? Jay unpacks Audrey's subplot in a way that explains the purpose of her appearances w/o bending the narrative to fit a meta-narrative that conclusively states that the Return retrofits the entirety of Twin Peaks to exist solely as a meta-commentary on violence & what Lynch wasn't able to do with the original seres. Their conclusion ends up being about the same as TP's about Audrey but it is missing the larger context of why it matters.